Proficiency: 21 συμβουλές για καλά αποτελέσματα στο Proficiency

Πως θα πετύχετε στις εξετάσεις Proficiency; Συμβουλές από επίσημο εξεταστή για να πάρετε το πτυχίο αγγλικών.

Σύμφωνα με επίσημα στοιχεία, ο μέσος όρος των Ελλήνων εξεταζόμενων που πετυχαίνουν στις εξετάσεις Proficiency και Lower είναι κάτω του 50%. Παρά τη μακροχρόνια εκμάθηση στα φροντιστήρια αγγλικών, το άγχος είναι ο βασικός λόγος αποτυχίας των Ελλήνων μαθητών.

Λίγο πριν τις εξετάσεις αγγλικών, επίσημος εξεταστής πτυχίων αγγλικής γλώσσας δίνει συμβουλές για να δείτε το όνομά σας στις λίστες με τους επιτυχόντων στα αποτελέσματα Proficiency 2012.

Καλή επιτυχία!


1. Revise idioms and everyday expressions for the first two parts of the exam. The dialogues are short and the questions focus on your comprehension of everyday spoken English.

2. In the third part, keeping notes usually distracts you. Run your eyes along the answers while you are listening. This will help you focus and not get distracted which is important since it is not easy to recall many details when the text pauses.


3. Spend a few minutes choosing the topic you have most ideas on and brainstorming a list of ideas you feel confidant you can expand on. Asking yourself “why”, “who”, “what”, “where”, and “when” will help you generate more ideas.

4. Write at least 280-300 words, including an introduction, two main body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should end with a clear opinion on the topic. Your opinion could be in between two positions as long as you clearly state it.

5. In the conclusion, briefly restate your main opinion and supporting ideas without any further details.

6. Save a few minutes to revise your composition. Decreasing the number of mistakes made is much more important than writing one or two more sentences.

7. Write short, simple sentences, following the basic subject/verb/object structure. Success is a result of low error density and few or no impeding errors (when the reader does not understand the meaning).

8. If time runs out, just finish you sentence and try to write one concluding sentence. If the language in your essay is passable and you have completed the appropriate number of words, not having a conclusion will not hold any unpleasant surprises!


9. In grammar multiple choice questions, once you have decided on the answer, read the whole sentence or short dialogue once to see if your choice sounds right.


10. Read it through once to get the whole picture.

11. Always read the whole sentence and do not stop at the gap. What comes before and after the gap is key to finding the correct answer. Sometimes more than one answer is grammatically correct, but only one is appropriate for the context.

12. In the end, read the entire text through to catch out any answers that sound out of place.


13. Do not waste much time reading through the texts.

14. Read the question and go back to the text to locate the answer. Do not read the answer options as yet. After you locate the answer in the text, read the four choices and see which one is closest to in meaning to the part located in the text. If you are between two answers, go back to the part of the text you have located to make your final decision.

15. If an answer contains a word from the text, 99.9% of the times it is wrong.

16. Adverbs are usually used as distracters. So, although the choice may seem correct, an adverb such as “always”, “rarely”, and “frequently” adds an incorrect detail.


17. Be yourself and relaxed!

18. Avoid prepared speeches. Examiners are not impressed by extremely fluent openings which are then followed by a less than average performance.

19. Speak in complete sentences, giving reasons for your answers.

20. Speak naturally with your partner if a dialogue is required. Avoid monologues. The conversation should consist of many short turns using natural discourse markers of spoken English, e.g. “absolutely”, “well, that may be the case but think of…”

21. If you get stuck, start the sentence over by either rearranging the word order or finding other words. Avoid long pauses.

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